Eagle Eyes is the LCA version of WATCH D.O.G.S. This program allows Legacy Dads the opportunity to provide extra sets of eyes and ears, and it also serves as a positive male influence for all students. Eagle Eyes is only available for dads of ELC (PK3-K) and South Campus (1-4) students. You will need to register through Volunteer Local at least 3 days in advance and have a background check on-file with LCA. You will receive your child's schedule upon arrival at the Early Learning Center. Dads may stay for the entire day, helping with morning and afternoon carline. However, if dads are unable to stay the full school day, they may serve a half-day typically 8:00-lunch or lunch-3:00 pm, or 2-hour shift of your choice. For lunch, you may step away to grab something before your child's lunchtime or you may bring a lunch with you. Please note: if you have multiple students within the Early Learning Center please contact Jeni Alexander (jeni.alexander@legacyca.com) to specify which child you would like to volunteer with for each time slot.